About Us

Ignition Coaching LLC is a global executive coaching and training company focused on building resilience and wellbeing during times of change, whether they be career, leadership, or organizational transitions. 

Our Team

Most of our coaches are Search Inside Yourself Trainers, Goleman EI Certified Meta-Coaches and ICF certified coaches, enabling us to effectively work with individuals and organizations to maximize performance and overall wellbeing.

Our meditations are recorded by our Ignition coaches as well as a visiting expert meditation teacher, Michelle Maldonado

Global Leaders

Our team of coaches all bring many years of global leadership experience from both private and public sectors, coupled with extensive experience in training and leadership development. They each hold an average of 5 world class leadership development certifications.  

Emotional Intelligence Certified Coaches

Many of our coaches are certified  with the highest level of EI training. 6 of our coaches are certified to coach clients using Dr. Goleman’s evidence-based model of Emotional Intelligence (EI). Meta-Coaches help clients to work with their emotions and habits of mind, leveraging their inner coach. 

Certified Coaches

Our experienced coaches are all certified through accrediting bodies such as the International Coach Federation (ICF). Credential-holders are part of a self-regulating group of elite coaches who provide accountability to clients and the coaching profession as a whole.

Search Inside
Yourself Trainers

Our team includes a group of Search Inside Yourself (SIY) certified trainers. SIY is an emotional intelligence, mindfulness and leadership curriculum based on neuroscience. It has been taught in hundreds of organizations around the world, helping to improve skills such as stress management, resilience, empathy, effective leadership and more.
We can Help

Meet your leadership challenges head on with Ignition’s executive and corporate coaching.

Our Clients


Start your resilience journey with one of our self-paced virtual training courses.
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